Our Success Story
Current ongoing businesses of Dancom Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd. VIEW ALL
Long distance & International telephony- “LDI” (2004 till to-date)
In 2004, Pakistan decided to end the monopoly of PTCL and deregulated the basic telephony. Dancom Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd. was granted Long distance & International telephony license known as “LDI License”. Dancom Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd. started offering origination and termination services under the LDI license.
Dancom Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd. set to go big in Pakistan - Business News | The Star Online
Feb 16, 2005 - WITH the telecommunications sector in Pakistan remaining vastly untapped,
Dancom Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd.'s Group, which expanded here a decade ago, has set its sights on gaining a
bigger share of the market.
Prime Minister inaugurates Dancom Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd.’s LDI services ...
Prime Minister Dato Seri Abdullah Bin Ahmad Badawi inaugurated Dancom Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd. long
distance international ( (LDI) ), and local loop services at Serena Hotel.

Past businesses of Dancom Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd.

Internet Service Provider (ISP)- (2003 to 2008)
Dancom Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd. started its internet service initially as dial up operator and later entered in O&M agreement with PTCL for the DSL (landline) based internet service in combination with Wimax (wireless) internet services.